11 September 2010

A tentative plan...

So, I've been in Japan for just over a week, I've had a first look at the country, and I really like it. No surprise there. I'm trying to figure out where to go and what to do after the visit to the farm. I was wondering whether to try out more farms, but right now, I think I'm better off just going to a city, find somewhere to stay, and find a job. It seems to be relatively easy to get jobs teaching English, and it seems to be a very common job for people in Japan on a working holiday visa.

So, my plan now is to stay a few more days in Kyoto (until the 13th), then a few days in Osaka (until the 18th or so), then somewhere else (maybe Hiroshima?) - then back to Tokyo, and off to the farm on the 27th to the 4th. After this, I'm considering going to Kyoto to find somewhere to stay and a job. Kyoto is nice. There's much to see here: so many temples: if I visit one temple a day for a year, I might be able to get through them all.

I think I'll skip Nagasaki for now, it's simply too expensive to get there and back, especially if I'm just going there for a few days.

The last few days have been interesting. on Wednesday, Wolfgang and I went to Nara to see more temples, and a large Buddha-statue.
Buddha and Superman
Wolfgang went back to Tokyo yesterday; he's flying back to Stuttgart today. It was really good travelling with him, and to discuss the oddities we encountered.

Wolfgang and I in Nara
After seeing Wolfgang off at the train station, I walked to a temple in the outskirts of Kyoto, and went to see the bamboo-grove. I saw two geishas on my way to the temple! It was great to check that off on the list of things to see/to do :)
Photo of a geisha taking a photo of a geisha.
More pictures tomorrow, it's getting late here.

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