03 September 2010

I've arrived and all is well!

Going to Japan was the best decision ever!

It's incredible here. It's fantastic to see all these things I've read about for so long in many books and seen in so many movies. It's fantastic to experience how incredible helpful and polite people are here: I can't help but smile as a policeman, posing as a stern guard of something-or-other, goes to become the most eager and polite guide I've ever met. I really really like it.

So far, I've had one-and-a-half day in Japan. The trip here was uneventful: a long flight, and fairly straightforward way to the hotel. A visit to the first noodle-shop was a success - I was able to communicate with the polite cooks (with an ugly combination of sign-language, Japanese and English), and got a fantastic meal. I'm most certainly going to gain weight here.

Yesterday evening consisted of a walk around the hotel, the area is called Iidabashi. It has a nice feeling of a small town, with lots of small shops and fairly small houses, but always with the skyscrapers in sight just nearby. A surprising thing here is that the city is much more quiet than I had expected: no-one honks in traffic, very few noisy salesmen, and a fairly limited amount of noisy televisions,commercials etc.
I did, however, visit a Pachinko-parlor - it must have been ~120 db in the room, terrible!

I'll return with more pictures and stories from what I did and what I saw today.

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