05 December 2010

Got a job - if all goes well

The hard work with sending what seems to be endless amounts of applications has finally paid off. I got a response from Active Gaming Media (AGM), a game-QA/game-globalization company located in Osaka. I answered a "wanted"-ad I saw in Kansai Scene, where the company sought individuals to test video games  - and I got a reply! Though it was only a mass-email to all who had answered the ad, it was the most positive reply I have received so far, to any of the job applications that I have sent while here in Japan.
I currently await more information about the job, but what I know so far, is that it pays 1000-1100 yen/hour, and that the testing will start in mid-January.
While it's not 100% certain that I actually got the job - I suppose that AGM still needs to consider all the applicants - but I really do hope for the best.

The potential job from AGM came at a critical moment. I have thought a lot about my plan for staying in Japan, and had decided, that if I had no job by December, I would call it quits, go travel in January/February, and then go back to Denmark. If I don't get the job at AGM, I'll consider my options, but it is likely that I will follow that plan.

So, until I hear more from AGM, I still play tourist. Recent adventures include more temples and castles, as well as the Kyoto Prefectural Botanical Garden. I've set a goal to see all the World Heritage Sites in the Kyoto prefecture, so there's that to do.

In other news: I moved from Yamashina-ku, which is in the outskirts of the city of Kyoto, to central Kyoto. I now share an apartment with a German girl, Britta, whom I met in the old apartment. While it's not cheaper to stay in this apartment (we pay 44.000 yen/month pr. person),  it's really nice to live in central Kyoto. Now I don't have to cross a mountain-range to get to the center of town, so it's easier to go by bike to all the tourist-attractions. It's a reasonably nice apartment, with tatami-mats on the floors, and sliding doors between the rooms.

No update without pictures. Enjoy!
A view of Yamashina-ku, where I lived until the 1st of December
Yamashina-ku again

Now I live in central Kyoto. A less charming area. Full image here.

A view of Kinkaku-ji, the Golden Pavilion

Colors of the autumn

Kinkaku-ji, the Golden Pavilion
Panorama of Kinkaku-ji. Full image here.

Wonderful poetry:
"After all it is bread in the morning
I want to enjoy
it to the full while taking
comfortable sunlight ... Petit Bear"

Random tree

From Nanzen-ji temple

A pagoda and beautiful tree

Nanzen-ji temple

Nanzen-ji temple panorama. Full image here.

Stunningly beautiful colors



The Nanzen-ji temple is located at the base of a mountain. I climbed the mountain, and was greeted by these three
A view over Kyoto. Full image here.

A view from a mountain near Nanzen-ji temple

Kyoto Botanical Garden - more beautiful colours

Lucky snapshot


It was great weather when I visited the botanical garden - the trees really looked their best


Trees trees trees

I can't think of a caption...

A dragon - or a poodle. Or just a cloud.

I spent some time at a lawn in the botanical garden, between soap bubble-blowing kids and their moms

Detail from the Nijo-ji castle

Another sunny day...

The imperial symbol, the 16 petal chrysanthenum

A lake near the Nijo-ji castle

A view from the walls guarding the Nijo-ji castle

You're welcome.

I biked to Osaka

Still splendid weather.

I saw a guy in a powered paraglider

On the way back from Osaka


  1. I am so happy for you. Fingers crossed that it all works out. Thanks for all the great pictures as well. Quite a lot more colour in your part of the world right now!

  2. det er spændende anders, lad os krydse fingre for at det giver pote. skægt job at have i øvrigt, tænk at blive betalt for at spille computerspil.. det har du da brugt mange timer på tidligere uden at få en krone for det. eller yen for den sags skyld.
    Jeg bager småkager og går rundt i en søvnig døs, børnene vågner mindst 4-5 gange hver. hver nat. på skift. jeg sender dig lige en småkage i form af et hjerte med ingefærsmag, så får du et pust dansk december. giv lyd når de vender tilbage med svar, mette
