11 November 2010

Got my alien registration card!

Today was sort of a big day - I retrieved my alien registration card. Next step: naturalization! ;-)

Todays trip was to the Shimogamo shrine.

Entrance to the shrine
A particularly beautiful tree
No shrine without a torii
Another torii - and perhaps a munk in white?


  1. Awsome wonderful weather and what a particularly wonderful tree. Love your pictures!

    Here, home in Denmark, wind is cold, leafs from the trees are on the ground now. It is autumn, and actually, it is kind of ok. There have been the first flood warning in the Limfjord, and snow plows has been on the road, for the first time this year, in North Jutland.

    It is dark as night when i get up in the morning, do you remember the feeling?

  2. Hej Anders, det er ved at være længe siden vi har hørt fra dig, håber du fortsat nyder dit japan. Din nevø fik omsider et navn i går, han skal hedde Silas. David er begyndt på arbejde igen, i en ny afdeling, det er han glad for. Skriv når du har noget at fortælle. kh mette
